Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Acquisition Week -- The facts to back up your claims

Yesterday, I wrote about what it takes to write a blockbuster lead for your Acquisition letter. But that’s just the first step in creating a winning package. You’ve got your potential donor on the hook…now you have to reel him in.

Unlike your loyal donors, a potential donor isn’t going to take your word for it that you have the solution. He’s not going to let you get away with just getting him riled up. He wants facts.

Consider an acquisition letter like a job interview. You need to prove that you have the experience, the know-how and the demonstrated track record to get the job done.

  • Tell him about your past victories, including who you were up against and how you managed to win the day.
  • Got partners? Offices abroad or friends in high places? List them. Knowing you have allies gives a potential donor the reassurance that you really can do what you say you’re going to do.
  • If you have testimonials, use them. Quotes from people you’ve helped count for more than your own claims.

A potential donor also wants to see that you have a thorough and well-rounded understanding of the problem you’re trying to solve. Can you quantify your work? Do you have hard statistics to back up your claims? If you’re an organization worth your salt, you have this information at your fingertips – make sure you share it with potential donors.

The best Prospecting letter will excite and inform.

Tomorrow, I’ll give you a few other essential tools…so don’t forget to check back!

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